環境技術の活用促進プラットフォーム「WIPO GREEN」にパートナーとして参画/We have been participating in “WIPO GREEN” which is the platform for the promotion of the utilization of environmental technology as a partner
その一環として、2020年2月からWIPO GREENにパートナーとして参画しています。
<ご参考:「WIPO GREEN」とは>
「WIPO GREEN」は、世界知的所有権機関(略称「WIPO」※全世界的な知的財産権の保護を促進することを目的とする国際連合の専門機関)が運営する
オンラインデータベースや地域の活動を通じ、WIPO GREENは環境技術の希望者と提供者をつなぎます。
そして、当社の環境対応技術の一部((1)紙容器に関する技術 *図1 及び (2)太陽光を利用した浄水製造装置*図2)をWIPO GREENのデータベースに登録しています。

図1 紙容器(プレス成形品)
Fig.1 Paper containers (press molding)

図2 浄水装置(太陽光で雨水を浄水)
Fig.2 Water purification device (purifying rainwater using sunlight)
We have been participating in “WIPO GREEN” which is the platform for the promotion of the utilization of environmental technology as a partner
Toyo Aluminium Ekco Products Co., Ltd. manufactures and sells household products and packaging products. In addition, it has been further promoting eco-friendly products, and proactively working on the SDGs set by UN Member States.
As a part of this, we have been participating in WIPO GREEN as a partner since February 2020.
< Reference: What is “WIPO GREEN” >
“WIPO GREEN” is the platform that has promoted the utilization of environmental technology operated by the World Intellectual Property Organization (“WIPO” * a specialized organization of the United Nations that aims to promote the protection of worldwide intellectual property rights). It was launched in 2013 for the purpose of supporting the development and the spread of environmental technology. Through its online databases and regional activities, WIPO GREEN connects seekers and providers for environmental technology. The WIPO GREEN database in which more than 3,600 technologies, needs and experts have been registered is used by more than 1,400 users worldwide.
Then, we have registered some of its eco-friendly technologies (paper containers *Fig.1 and water purification device *Fig.2) in WIPO GREEN’s database.